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Green Jade Neocaridina Shrimp x10

Green Jade Neocaridina Shrimp x10

10 Green Jade Neocaridina Shrimp


You will receive Green Jade shrimp that are either bred by us or quarantined for over 30 days. The green jade shrimp will have a range of green coloration due to their diverse family tree. The shrimp will be healthy and near breeding age. 


Green jades come from the chocolate shrimp family tree which leads to a lot of selective breeding. The chocolate shrimp family is the most diverse shrimp family tree in the Neocaridina genus. Since Green jades are bred from chocolate shrimp, they will produce a multitude of colors and grades. Therefore, selective breeding will need to be done to maintain the fantastic green color.


  • Ph:7.0 to 7.6
  • Gh: 7 to 15
  • Kh:  2 to 8
  • TDS: 180 to 400
  • Temp: 68 to 72
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