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Dwarf Hairgrass 'Mini'

Dwarf Hairgrass 'Mini'

$10 per 4-5cm diameter portion. 


Dwarf hairgrass is a versatile mini aquarium plant that can be used to create a lush, bright green carpet across the substrate of a freshwater tank. Fish and shrimp love to forage among the the grass, and vulnerable fry and shrimp babies can seek shelter there. Even better, the plant is relatively easy to grow, making it a good choice for novice and experienced hobbyists alike.

Planted substrate and medium - high lighting is recommended. I actually grow the plant in sand with the use of root tabs and have found it very easy to get to spread. This particular species is Eleocharis sp. 'Mini'. This grows smaller than Eleocharis parvula, only to a high of 3 to 6 cm. Split the clump into smaller portions and plant to cover the desired area. It will soon create a dense lawn thanks to its many runners.

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